Announcing the 7Min Independence Day Workout 2
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Announcing the 7Min Independence Day Workout

2 Years ago, we launched The 7-Minute Scientific Workout Website, and soon after, we launched the iPhone App. I had a problem with working out while traveling, and that caused me to develop a website ( and an app.

1.3 million people have used our tools to date, and we have big plans to take them to the next level.

One of the latest things we are doing is The 7 Minute Independence Day Workout. The idea behind it  is that everyone has the day off on Independence Day and no-one has an excuse that they don’t have 7 minutes. We basically want to get people moving for Independence Day and make a positive change in their lives.

We also updated the 7-Min Independence Day Workout App for iOS (it’s costs $1.99).

We would appreciate it if you could support us and ask you to please share it with your friends so they can make a positive difference in their lives.

7 Min Independence Day Workout
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