Top Five Weight Loss Foods
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Top Five Weight Loss Foods

Top Five Weight Loss Foods

Shedding pounds is no easy task, but choosing the right foods boosts your chance for weight-loss success. While some foods aid in weight loss because they are low in calories, others increase satiation and your body’s metabolism. Adding regular exercise to your weight-loss regimen not only aids in weight loss, it helps you keep lost weight off for good.

Egg Whites

Egg whites are rich in high-quality protein, but without the extra calories and cholesterol found in egg yolks. A serving of four large egg whites contains 68 calories and almost 15 grams of dietary protein. Protein keeps you feeling full and helps boost your body’s energy expenditure, according to a study published in 2012 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Try an egg-white omelet with vegetables and Canadian bacon, tofu, grilled chicken, or reduced-fat cheese for breakfast to jump-start your day.

Grilled Chicken Breast

Packed with protein but low in fat and total calories, grilled chicken breast makes an excellent addition to any weight-loss diet. A 3-ounce portion of grilled chicken breast, which is about the size of the palm of your hand, contains about 26 grams of protein and just 128 calories. Try grilled chicken breast as a main course for lunch or dinner, top a leafy green vegetable salad with cubed grilled chicken, or add grilled chicken to broth-based vegetable soups.

Plain Greek Yogurt

While some yogurts — especially regular fruit-flavored yogurts — contain lots of added sugar, plain non-fat Greek yogurt has much less sugar and fewer calories. Furthermore, Greek yogurt is rich in protein, which is beneficial for weight loss. For example, a 6-ounce container of plain non-fat Greek yogurt provides 17 grams of protein, but contains just 5.5 grams of sugar and 100 total calories. Add plain Greek yogurt to your breakfast, mid-morning snack, or lunch. Try topping it with strawberries, blueberries, or sliced almonds.


Quinoa is a whole grain that is rich in fiber, packed with vitamins and minerals, and is classified as a complete protein. Therefore, quinoa helps you feel full for long periods of time and keeps your body’s metabolism high, which is beneficial when you’re trying to shed pounds. Try eating quinoa with vegetables and grilled chicken breast or tofu, mixing it with extra lean ground beef, or making a cold quinoa salad with celery, tomatoes, black beans, garbanzo beans, red wine vinegar, and olive oil.

Non-Starchy Vegetables

While all vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, pay special attention to non-starchy veggies when you’re trying to lose weight. Non-starchy vegetables are lower in calories and carbohydrates than starchy vegetables — such as potatoes, yams, and squash. Aim to eat a non-starchy vegetable with most meals and snacks. Examples include spinach, other leafy greens, celery, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers.

Improve the action of these foods by also getting some exercise every day.

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