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Celebrities Who are in Love with their Rowing Machines

Although Rowing has a very strong fan following, it’s still an extremely small community in contrast to other major sports. So once you fall in love with indoor or outdoor rowing, you truly feel as though you have some connection with others that row.

Top Stars Who Row

Rowing machines are highly popular with athletes since they’re a low-impact exercise which coaches love! Below is a listing of the actors who row, lots of whom could be seen rowing.

#1: Gerard Butler

Prepping yourself to perform as a Spartan King isn’t any simple job. Especially when this warrior King was shredded! When Gerard Butler was cast to play with King Leonidas in the film “300” he switched to the rowing machine to get ripped.He mentions that the best way he knew to use a rowing machine.

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#2: Hugh Jackman (Wolverine)

Hugh Jackman has been using rowing machine ever since he began playing Wolverine. There Are Lots of articles on the Internet about The Wolverine rowing program and Hugh Jackman still puts his workouts on his Twitter accounts along with his Instagram accounts!

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He published a track photograph showing a 7 minute 2k he rowed for the very first time five years!

#3: Jason Statham

Jason Statham Rowing Machine
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Jason Statham is a fitness enthusiast who enjoys using a Concept2 and is in great shape. His Instagram accounts that is updated with photographs of him rowing.


You can check out more of Jason Statham’s photographs on his Instagram accounts.

#4: Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey Rowing Machine
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How can I not include Kevin Spacey on a listing of rowers that are famous?  We all know ho much he loves rowing.It was Kevin who proposed his character Frank Underwood use a rowing machine in House of Cards.


#5: Conor McGregor

He has said many times in interviews he uses his cardio to boost his metabolism and is utilizing a Rowing Machine. A training plan which demands a Rower was created by Conor Mcgregor.

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So, what are you waiting for? Go check out our Best selection of Rowing machines and get your workouts going!


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Caroline King
Caroline King
4 years ago

I use a rower every day.. Its a good all over form of excersize. I burn 150 to 200 calories and it keeps my weight… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Caroline King
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