High glycemic diets or foods high in sugar are known to be the leading cause of many serious health conditions including weight gain, increased risk of diabetes and cardiac issues. It is also known to be a major contributor to certain kind of cancers and linked to depression and later-life dementia.
If you feel tired and sluggish when you wake up, Find yourself reaching for extra cups of coffee regularly during day? Feeling bloated and tired? Then the odds are it’s time you went through a sugar detox diet.
This type of cleansing diet focuses mainly on moderating the sugar in your diet until it becomes your regular eating habit.
You may think that satisfying your sweet tooth is undamaging to your health, but truth be told, most people nowadays are eating way more sugar than they should have. Experts in the field concurred that an average American ingest three times more than the allowable sugar intake amount. According to research, consuming loads of sugar can expose your body to greater risk to develop high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type two diabetes, and of course, increase in weight. Consuming excessive sugar even poses the same danger as cigarette smoking according to some experts.
A diet that’s full of sugar and high glycemic index foods is one of the top causes of death in America. Reducing the sugar you consume for a brief period might not seem valuable to most nutritionists, it will sure give you a great preview of how good it make your body feel once you become serious about keeping a healthy lifestyle.
Being addicted to sugar is a serious matter. It would take great effort to stay off of sugar once you got hooked to it, which will lead you towards obesity and many serious health problems. Studies show that in people and some animals, the brain will respond to sugar the same way it does to illegal substance and alcohol. That’s why once you cut back on sugar, you find yourself feeling deprived for a couple of days. Once the body is brimming with waste and toxins, you will have a feeling of unpleasantness once you cut back on sugar.
The 21-day sugar detox diet procedure will help you lose unwanted fat, boost your energy and enhance your general sense of wellness and being. This detoxification process may also help with depression, tiredness, lethargy and problems with attention.
Aside from the benefits of the sugar detox program mentioned above, this diet can also improve your sleeping habit, modulate your mood swings, and make your skin appear clearer. Others also suggested the positive development of their eczema and other skin ailments.
After completing this program, the people who tried it attested that their urge to consume sugar and carbs are significantly lowered.
Curbing Your Sweet Tooth
The sugar detox diet contains three distinct stages. The first stage will include the total prohibition of refined foods although you can still eat grains, legumes, and dairy at this time. The second level will include removal of beans and the grains from the diet. The last step will be paleo diet that is strict, with a few changes that enable an individual to reach the target of total detoxification from sugar and carbs.
The foundation of this diet is from a paleo perspective, which means it’s virtually anything that is permitted in a paleo diet may also be allowed in this diet strategy. Some important foods that need to be included are canned meats, eggs, avocados, dried meats, and veggies.
Avocados are perfect for this diet since it doesn’t contain sugar and is filled with healthful fats. Eggs are a low-cost source of protein which is usually suitable to use in numerous recipes. Canned meats like tuna, chicken, salmon, and crab are all excellent choices when it comes to meals or quick snacks. They are a very good source of protein as well as Omega 3, particular from canned fish meat. Food perfect for snacking is dried meats like turkey and beef jerky which can also provide considerable amounts of protein. Veggies offer several vitamins and minerals, and you can use them for quick bites, sides or light meals.
Here is the list of foods to avoid and includes those containing high carb content
– All types of rice,
– All kinds of fruit juices, pasta, crackers, ice cream,
– Yogurt with fruit,
– Smoothies made out of fresh fruit,
– White and brown sugar,
– All type of sweeteners, honey, and pastries like cookies,
– Bread, muffins, cakes, brownies, and pancakes.
It’s nearly impossible to remove all hints of sugars and carbs from the diet. You can start gently eating brown rice instead of white rice, low carb tortillas, and quinoa in small portions. Low-fat plain yogurt is also acceptable in replacement of fruit flavored yogurt.
Most individuals will usually opt to add one piece of fruit for nutritional worth, in the morning. If you need to go on a stricter sugar cleansing diet, you can replace your morning smoothies with vegetables instead of fruits.
What you can do to quicken the Detox Procedure
You can start exercising to speed up the detox procedure. Most likely, it will also serve as a distraction to your sweet tooth cravings while you shed a few pounds through sweating. Exercising will give you an overall feeling of empowerment, and since happiness-inducing chemical hormones called endorphins are released when sweating, you will feel also elated all throughout the day.
Finally, your attempts to cut back on your sugar consumption will yield positive result although it is undeniably hard at first. Around the same time the cravings and fatigue decreases, you should see a rise in your energy level, after the first day or two.
In addition to the above mentioned, the long term advantages of holding back on sugar are undoubtedly too positive to disregard. A published study shown from previous year warns that high-sugar beverages are the direct caused of cardiovascular diseases and all types of diabetes.